What we offer
We heal with the latest innovations in Dr Yasser Mehrez.

Back pain
Pain in the back is fairly common and usually goes away after a matter of weeks or months. Individuals can experience pain in any part of the back, from the coccyx at the bottom of the spine to the neck.

Chronic pain
Chronic pain, sometimes described as persistent pain, refers to pain which lasts for longer than 12 weeks, despite medication or treatment being prescribed. Usually, over time, pain settles,

Epidural infiltration
An epidural is a strong anti-inflammatory medication that is administered in the space surrounding the spinal cord. This is called the epidural space. This injection temporarily relieves inflammation or pain in the spine or limbs.

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease that causes pain throughout the body and sensitivity in joints, muscles, tendons and other soft tissues. It is more common in women between the age of 20 and 50.

Pain treatment
Pain management is an interdisciplinary branch of medicine, which aims to improve quality of life for patients with chronic pain by reducing their suffering. It aims to relieve long-term pain,

Radiofrequency treatment (RFA)
Radiofrequency (RFA) is a minimally invasive procedure which can be used to treat varicose veins. It is performed under local anaesthetic, and uses the application of heat to damage tissue, meaning scar tissue forms.